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About ICF

Julia Menge

Lead Managing Consultant, Sustainable Finance and Climate Policy

Julia Menge has more than 10 years of experience supporting public and private sector clients in developing and implementing policies and strategies for sustainable finance and climate mitigation.

With more than a decade of experience in the fields of climate, energy and sustainability, Julia Menge is lead managing consultant for ICF’s climate policy and sustainable finance unit. She is based in London, UK, and has supported both public and private sector clients in developing and implementing policies and strategies for sustainable finance and climate mitigation.

Julia’s responsibilities at ICF include managing projects and ensuring a high quality of deliverables for a variety of consulting initiatives. Julia has worked on numerous high-impact projects for various directorates-general (DGs) of the European Commission, including DG CLIMA, DG ENER, DG GROW, and DG REFORM.

She has also supported the British Government with the design and delivery of the UK PACT Green Recovery Challenge Fund and assisted the European Investment Bank (EIB) in evaluating its climate awareness bonds program. Additionally, Julia led sustainable finance-related projects for the Moroccan Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment and Energy, and the Andalusian regional authorities in Spain, focusing on sustainable finance and climate mitigation strategies.

Julia is certified in green and sustainable finance by the Chartered Bankers Institute in the UK. She holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and a master's degree in economics from NOVA School of Business and Economics in Lisbon.

Throughout her career, Julia has demonstrated a strong commitment to sustainability and climate action, leveraging her technical expertise and project management skills to drive meaningful change. Her work has influenced policy at the governmental level and helped private sector clients navigate the complexities of sustainability and climate mitigation.